Creating Something New Using Materials I Love
I have always loved wood. It could be a wooden box, a piece of furnature or even a piece of wood I find lying around in the garden. In my shed I have collected an odd collection of wood pieces, in all shapes and sizes. Pieces I think one day I will create something out of them. And I will at some point get around to creating an amazing piece of art out of all of them (ever the optimist). There is something so beautiful about wood, the colours, the textures and shapes. A piece with the bark still on is as beautiful as a piece sanded down so smooth all the grain shows through. I know its not everyones cup of tea but the amazing thing about wood is its versatility, it can be turned into something modern simple with clean lines or something traditional more ornate.
As you know I love to paint on wood which is why I love painting on the walking sticks. Its different and unusual.
My second love is deer antler I am not reallly sure why I have a passion for this but I just do. I think it may be that I am in awe of the beasts themselves such beautiful creatures. It is amazing that they shed them every year and then grow new ones.
So what have I created?
Taking the two materials I have come up with a simple but elegant design. My partner and I have been working on the prototype which is nearly complete.
So what is it?

This is not the final piece, is a work in progress but by the end of October I hope to have the design signed off and the new pieces available for you on my site.
I have loved creating this piece. I have learnt a few new things along with way. I have had to test different waxes and stains to get the desired look and search through reams of material for the perfect finish for the bottom. The biggest challenge is the antler, each one is different and no one piece is straight. But then life would be boring if things were always easy.
I will let you know when the new piece is available on my site.
Bye for now.