Spread the Love
The peacock spreads out his tail to attract the peahen to mate. He is showing off his beautiful iridescent colours and eyespots fully with the semi circle fan then he shakes his feathers making a sort of rattling noise. Each peacock has his own unique spot pattern and colour in his train. The peacock really is the apitomy of the term spread the love.....
Interesting fact: The peacock is suppose to be a sacred bird and protects you. Keeping a peacock feather in your home is suppose to keep away negative energy. I live in an old house I always wondered why there were never any dumps in the night, must be tru😁e They are also suppose to bring good luck, be great for wellbeing and relieve tension in a relationship Wow.......
I love the peacock for all sorts of reasons, I find them a lovely calm bird to watch despite their size they are so gentle for a game bird. Natures art at its best, the amount of different types of feathers, colours shapes and sizes in the male is amazing. If you ever get the chance to watch them and really look at the feathers you will be amazed. I love the noise they make some people find it annoying I find its like being in the jungle when they start calling.
I am lucky I have them here at home but if you dont .. See if you can find some peacocks - hens to watch. You will find it good for your wellbeing. They have a lovely calming effect. Look online and see if any of your local parks, woodlands or petting zoos have them. Sometimes the big country houses you can visit will have them wondering around. Take your camera get a shot of a lovely peacock or indeed any of your favourite animals or birds, print it out to put on your wall. Or collect dropped feather and put them in a vase.
You can have a little bit of nature in your life in the form of artwork without having to buy it, just do it yourself. Easy peesy.